The Quarterly results of multiple companies are out. This will determine the earnings of the Indian companies in the first quarter of the year 2023. Based on this the investors could make sound decisions for their investments in the next quarter. The major result announcements were for Angel One, Network 18, Quick heal Tech, Vivanta Industries, Scaffler Industries and more.
Angel One
The company has posted an outstanding result for this quiarter. Its Net sales are at 820.40 Crore Rs. This up from the March 2022 results of 664.18 Crore Rs. This means a 23.5% jump in the net sales figures. The net profit of the firm stood at 264.5 Crore Rs. This was higher than the orevious year’s result of 202.26 Crore Rs. The earnings of the company before interest, tax, deprication and amortizatio stood at 387 Crore Rs for March 2023. This was 293.5 Crore Rs in March 2022. This means a jump of 31.8% in the same. Hence overall the results of Angel One has been putsading for this quarter in comparison to the previous year’s results.
Quick Heal Tech
For Quick Heal the March quarter was not that impressive. The company took a mghty hit in sales at 49.29 Crore Rs. This is down from 103.75 Crore Rs in March 2022. Thus amounting to almost 52.5% downside in the same figures. The Company posted a loss of 6.55 Crore Rs in March 2023. The earnings of the company before interest, tax, deprication and amortization stood neagative at 6.02 Crore Rs. The company has also been struggling to mainiatin its share price. In the last 1 year it has given a negative retun of -26%. Thus the company needs to step back in to gain the investors confidence again. Apart from the figures the major reason behind the fall in company’s sales is the downside of the I.T. companies based on the U.S. business struggles and hence it is taking hit like all the other I.T. companies in India.
Vivanta Industries
The company’s net sales are up by a mighty 2350%. The net sales of Vivanta Industries stood at 0.72 Crore Rs In March 2022. However in March 2023 the same has been 17.69 Crore Rs. Despite such a huge rise in the net sale sit has recorded a net loss of 0.25 Crore Rs. The earnings before interest, tax, deprecation and amortization stood at 0.25 Crore Rs. This is down by 14% than the previous year’s quarter. The figures for the previous year were at 0.29 Crore Rs for the same.
Schaeffler Industries
The company has done weel on the net profit part. It has marginally increased its net profit tis year. The profit for March 2022 was at 207 Crore Rs which increased to 219 Crore Rs. The net sales of the firm stood at 1693 Crore Rs which is 8% higher than the March 2022 figure of 1567 Crore Rs. The earnings before interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization is at 347.37 Crore Rs which is 5.7% uip than the previous year’s figure of 328.52 Crore Rs. Hence the quarter has been marginally better for Scheffler Industries.
Alok Industries
The subsidiary of Reliance Industries saw a weak quarer for the net sales in comparison to the previous year’s quarter. The company reported a net sales of 1510 Crore Rs in March 2023. This was 23% down from the March 2022 result of 1965 Crore Rs. The company’s Net loss stood at 299 Crore Rs against the 29.27 Crore Rs profit in 2022. The earnings before interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization is at 70.21 Crore Rs in March 2023.
Tata Coffee
The net sales of the firm stood at 256 Crore Rs which is 13% up from previous year’s result. The net sales of March 2022 stood at 227.12 Crore Rs. The company has been struggling to get back on its feet since the past few years. The quarterly net profit of the firm stood at 31.21 Crore Rs in March 2023. The same for March 2022 stood at 26.82 Crore Rs. Thus the net profit for 2023 was at 16.33%. The earnings before interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization was marginally down by 0.3%. The figure for the same was 42.5 Crore Rs for 2023 which was at 42.71 Crore Rs in March 2022. The earnings per share of the company was at 1.67 Rs in March 2023. This was at 1.44 Rs in March 2022. The company has posted a negative return of close to 4.5% in the last 6 months and overall at 4.1% for the last 12 months.
Since the quarterly earnings have kicked in one can expect a momentum in the markets. Hence the upcoming week will be full of movement in indices based on their quarterly figures and most importantly their profit figures.