

Fellow Traders & Investors,

Greetings from Varsity@Zerodha,

It has been a month since “Varsity@Zerodha” – Zerodha online ‘Market Finance’ education initiative went live. The journey so far has been quite overwhelming; kindly allow us to share some numbers with you…

  • 124 – The number of countries from which people have visited Zerodha’s Varsity
  •  148 – The number of website linking back to Varsity. One of which being the Govt of Brazil!
  •  677 – The number of encouraging user comments we have received so far
  • 1225 – The number of registered users
  • 2120 – Average page views per day
  • 117,173 – The total number of page views on Varsity so far

Zerodha The module on Technical Analysis has been a raging hit. The day zerodha launched Varsity we had about 30,000 page hits from across the world with users mainly accessing content from the Technical Analysis module. These are some seriously encouraging numbers, which is all we need to keep us motivated to continue churning high quality content for you.

During the last month, we completed the module on Fundamental Analysis (FA). We believe the module on FA is quite comprehensive. Just like the other modules, the FA module also assumes you are new to the topic, therefore know nothing about it.  The module hand holds you right from the stage of understanding the financial statements of a company to a stage where you could develop valuation models such as the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model on your own. At various stages in the module we have discussed methods to spot attractive buying opportunities solely relying on Fundamental Techniques.

With the completion of the FA module, we now have 3 complete modules for you –

Module 1 – Introduction to stock Markets

Module 2 – Technical Analysis

Module 3 – Fundamental Analysis

We are now shifting gears to Financial Derivatives!

To begin with, Module 4 is dedicated just to understand “Futures Trading”.

So stay tuned, stay hungry for more, and stay connected.

Read : Varsity@Zerodha





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